UNESCO: Derecho a la educación
Diciembre 6, 2018

captura-de-pantalla-2018-12-05-a-las-12-10-31UNESCO’s #RightToEducation campaign

Help us make the right to education a reality for all
Dear UNESCO Chairs,

I’m pleased to share with you UNESCO’s digital campaign on the #RightToEducation, a right that is an absolute priority and at the core of our global mission to ensure equal access to quality education. The campaign marks the 70th celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Through a series of videos, animations, visuals, interviews and stories, UNESCO’s campaign – running until 18 December 2018 – will unpack the legal significance of the right to education and the major challenges that are blocking its path. It aims to bring global awareness of this crucial human right, which is still not a reality for millions.

As part of the campaign, we have published three interviews with UNESCO Chairs on various issues:

–          Using the judiciary system to enforce the right to education in Brazil

–          The pros and cons of private and public education in Africa

–          Fulfilling the right to education for refugees and undocumented migrants


The campaign page – available in 6 languages – will be updated weekly with fresh content over the next couple of weeks. On Human Rights’ Day on 10 December, for example, we will publish an interview with the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education.


Please help UNESCO amplify our social media messages on the #RightToEducation and share them widely with your networks. We also have some great videos, one of which is featured below with a proposed social media message so that you can easily share.


You can also reshare the video directly on Facebook and Twitter.


That moment you achieve your lifelong dream

That moment you achieve your lifelong dream. https://on.unesco.org/2SGh2nx

Everyone has the #RightToEducation. #StandUp4HumanRights




Many thanks in advance for your support. Together we can spread the message about this key human right!

All the best,


Anne Muller

UNESCO’s Education Team






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